Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Connected Classroom - UPDATE

UPDATE (3:30 PM) Thanks to Karen Janowski, whose comment (read below) filled in some additional detail on this video's origins. I neglected to read all of the posts on the QIAT listserv when I came across the video, and to give credit where credit was due...

It was created by Karl Fisch for a presentation that he was doing for his high school staff. You can read more about it by clicking here.

This particular video was adapted from Mr. Fisch's video by Kristin Hokanson. You can read more background on the whole story by visiting Karen Janowski's wonderful blog, Ed Tech Solutions. Check it out daily.

This short video came to me via the QIAT listserv and I thought it brought up some important points.

What do you think?


Karen Janowski said...

Just some history as I sent it through Qiat. Karl Fisch created the original for professional development to his high school staff last August. It was entitled, "Did You Know?" You can get some background from his post today because that has now been seen by over 100,000 (his guess). Kristin was inspired by Karl's video and created this one which is also quite powerful.

Dave Hohulin said...

Thanks Karen - I was skimming through all of my QIAT posts and didn't catch the history of the video. We love it around here!